
Net FDI Up 28% in 1Q21/22

Giving More to Your Wealth
08 Feb 2022

The CEO of the General Authority for Investment & Free Zones revealed that net FDI (foreign direct investment) in Egypt’s non-oil sectors shot up during 1Q21/22 by over 28% on an annualized basis. He emphasized the authority’s contribution to this growth in investments with its eager efforts to address the challenges faced by investors, whether collectively or individually. Furthermore, the new system for allocating industrial land to investors is proving successful at attracting investments, resulting in more locally sourced production inputs and increases in exports.

(Source: Egypt Today (English), See News (English), al-Ahram, al-Dustour, Sada el-Balad, Akhbar al-Youm, Masrawy, al-Arabiya)

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